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Government Agencies Award Annual Contracts for 100 Million Gallons of Drop-In Biofuels
House Hearing on Soil Conveys Clear Message: ‘Stop Treating Our Soil Like Dirt’
Renewable Jet Fuel Company Secures USDA Biorefineries Loan Guarantee
USDA Tallies Costs of Fire Borrowing and Urges Congress to Pass Wildfire Disaster Funding Act
Grow it Here, Make it Here: Biobased Products Showcased by Senate Committee on Agriculture
New Regional Farm Conservation Programs in the Farm Bill
White House Introduces Methane Reduction Strategy, Represents Opportunity for Farms
Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) Discussion Revived: Provides Hope for Progress on Biofuels
Budget Proposal Contains Robust Mandatory Funding for Farms, Forests and Rural Economies
Managing Risks to Farms, Range and Forests in a Drier, Hotter World
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